Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

We are still here...

So, IF there are any people still out here in the blogging world who haven't given up on me, I thought I would try and post a quick update. Life has been crazy for Emmie and I, but it has been a surprising blessing as well. I am going back to school for my Math Education degree and will be finished with that in about 2 years, so it will be interesting to say the least. I decided this profession would suit Emmie and my lifestyle much better and allow for me to have a better schedule with her as she gets older and in school. I say that, as I am now a single mom and have to do what's in both of our best interest in the long haul. I figured this would give us the best of both worlds and I knew with my extensive math background I could get the teaching certification fairly quickly. I intend to teach College level Math, but may have to start at high school when I finish...I will cross that bridge as I get there :) So, most anyone who knows me and probably will read this knows that I am now divorced and have went through alot the last year, but I am much better for it in the long run and can look back and say I am thankful for the best thing I could have ever gotten in life and that is my wonderful, sweet Emmie! With that being said, she just turned 2 and is absolutely precious and the JOY of my life!! She is talking so much and has already potty trained!!! She is so smart and I am loving life with her in it!! Here is a video of some pictures Nikki took last week for her 2 year birthday!!

I will try and keep blogging somewhat regularly, but at the very least, I will try to keep putting some pictures of her on here!! Leave me a comment if you are still reading...LOL

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snow Day 2010

What a MAGICAL day we had last Friday!! It was definitely a special day for us here in the Deep South!! We got almost 5 inches of snow!! Emmie and I went to spend the day with Nikki and the kids and enjoy the snow. Emmie wasn't too sure about it, she smiled and laughed and loved watching everything around her (the kids playing in it), but she just kinda stood there, not sure about the cold stuff all around her!! It was very cute and sweet and I am so glad she got to see it!! Not sure when/if this kind of snow will come here again, but it was definitely a day to remember!!

Hope you all had as much fun as we did, I'm sure you did!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Few Pictures

I will start with this cute random picture of Emmie. Sorry all the pictures aren't great, but they were all from my phone. I DID get a new camera for Christmas, so I will be able to start taking "real" pictures and posting them!! Also (thanks to my sister) I got a Flip video recorder and I LOVE it, so I will be posting videos soon too!!

I have yet to get my Christmas pictures organized and edited/sorted to post them here (surprise), but I thought I would share a few random pics from the last couple of weeks. Emmie has been very, very sick, battling RSV and 2 bad ear infections, one after the other literally!! She is better now, although still having lingering pesty symptoms from the RSV. When we had to do the breathing treatments, she was such a "Big Girl" and never fussed at all! Granted she has done them before, but she is (unfortunately) getting used to medicines and the treatments. When I say the word "medicine", she pops that binky out of her mouth and walks into the kitchen with her mouth open like a little bird!! LOL It's cute, but sorta sad that she knows what that word means!! During Christmas and New Years (when she and I had to stay home for almost 2 weeks...UUGGHH!!), she was on 5 medicines, 3x a day! Needless to say, it is becoming the "norm" for her to hear that word!! So, I took her picture during one of her breathing treatments. She got to where she would try and just play and walk around with it on, too cute!!

Now she LOVES to color and she has learned how to lay on the floor, crossing and kicking her legs in the air as she colors. It is so, so cute and I just LOVE to watch those tiny little feet kick as she colors!! She learned this from watching Ellie, Abram and Eli color with her. It is amazing how she is really copying EVERYHTING she sees now and learns everyday!! Notice how the pictures are blurry at her feet where she was kicking them (and also kicked off one of her slippers, too!!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am still here!!

I apologize for slacking so much on the blog. I have gotten "in trouble" for not keeping this blog updated like I used to by numerous people :) So, I will try and do better with that!

Emmie is now 15 months and a Firecracker...a sweet firecracker, but a Firecracker nonetheless!! LOL She is walking 100% now and Loving it! She has loved the Christmas decorations we have put up and almost every night when we get home she goes over to the tree and points and softly touches the ornaments. She loves just looking at them, she has done great about not tearing the tree down!! She only has ONE ornament that she just LOVES and I have no idea what it is about that particular ornament, but I will move it around the tree and she still goes right to it and pulls it off. That is the only ornament she takes off the tree, the others she just touches and smiles.

Today they are having a Christmas Party at Tiny Tots and so we put on her pretty little Santa dress Aunt Nik Nik got for her. It was TOO cute and she KNOWS it!! I will say "Oh, how pretty" and she just stands there and rocks back and forth slowly and smiles :) I took a few pictures this morning before we left the house and when we got to Tiny Tots...

Here is her with her "favorite" ornament

And then in the car and at Tiny Tots...

So, I will post some more pictures after her party today. I am anxious to see how she handles Santa coming to visit...should be interesting LOL

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Pictures

So, I have been behind on updating the blog, as usual!! We went to a Pumpkin Patch a few weeks ago and met my brother there and took all the kids. We had a blast, even though it was FREEZING that day!! Here are some pictures from that day

Thursday, we had a Halloween party at Tiny Tots and so Emmie dressed up in her Halloween Auburn Cheerleader. She was so darn cute!! Eli dressed up as an Alabama Football player. They were too cute together! Emmie was supposed to stay in her room and watch from the doorway as all the "big" kids played all the games. But, of course, she didn't and I had to help he "escape"...

I had to take these with a disposable camera, as I forgot mine! The pictures were not great quality, but you can still see how much fun they had!!

I will post some pictures from Halloween later this week!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend...Thanksgiving is just around the corner!!